2024/2025  Service Development Priorities

New Horizons has a robust self-evaluation process and culture.  We are a learning organisation and strive to improve learning and outcomes for all young people on our roll.  The Management Committee regularly provide support and challenge against Service Development Plan targets through termly sub-committee meetings. For 2024/2025 our Service Development Plan priorities are to:


D1 Ensure curriculum for Wales 20234 planning effectively supports pupil progression in learning, meets mandatory requirements and provides purposeful breadth and balance to the curriculum offer across the PRU Service.


D2 Plan and develop a highly creative and exemplary PRU provision for KS3 and KS4 pupils with emotionally based school avoidance


D3 Strategically plan and clarify future capacity, function and purpose of Gorwelion Newydd within context of Local Authority and stakeholder requirements.


D4 Improve efficiency of working practice in relation to Management Information Systems and any other data recording methods across the PRU Service. (2 year plan)