There are 3 main pathways to the Key Stage 4 curriculum, some of the aforementioned accredited courses are specific to each site, and young people have access to all 3 pathways. We are committed to building a Key Stage 4 curriculum to meet individual learner needs.
Pathway 1: Academic GCSE Pathway.
- English Language
- English Literature
- Mathematics; Numeracy
- Applied Science
- Biology
- Skills challenge
- Art
- Religious Education – Short Course
- P.E – Short Course
Pathway 2: Vocational Accredited Pathway.
- BTEC Sweet Personal and Social Education (2023/24)
- ASDAN Certificate of Personal Effectiveness
- Enterprise, Vocational, Voluntary, Community, Curriculum (new 2023/24)
- The Prince’s Trust
Pathway 3: Bespoke Learning Pathway.
All learners have the opportunity to engage with enrichment courses delivered through the 14 – 19 Network.
Autumn 2023:
- Catering
- Construction
- Engineering
- Hair and Beauty
- Health and Social Care
- ICT and Travel and Tourism
- Motor Vehicle
- Animal Care
- Sport and Leisure
- Music (Agored Units)
- Visual Art & Photography
The service continues to develop collaborative partnerships with a variety of local quality assured organisations, some of whom offer recognised accredited courses.
Further information can be provided by the EOTAS Service Lead. A directory of our approved EOTAS partners is provided below (June 2021)
Work experience placements are available subject to availability and a quality assured health and safety vetting process.
Whole service performance indicators include capped 9, literacy measure and numeracy measure. Greater emphasis is placed on the social, emotional and well-being progression of individual young people. Thorough planning ensures all young people are matched with appropriate employment, education or training opportunities when they transition to post 16 destinations.